And back we go….COVID-19 LOCKDOWN (again)!  We breakdown 5 mental health tips to hopefully help you through the next phase of this pandemic!

Mental health in recent years has become a far less taboo talking point and we say Amen to that!  Having said that, it still has a long way to go before we are even scratching the surface and addressing the social implications that occur when it is swept under the carpet.

With this in mind and with the current situation as it is, we felt more than ever it was something that we should broach and do our bit if not provide direct support. Perhaps suggest people and resources that may help anyone who might feel isolated and/or alone.

Both of us care deeply about this topic and feel passionately about trying to create a platform and space to help and support not only the community we live in but anyone whom our reach may touch.

5 Mental Health Tips for coping through the pandemic

Tip 1:  Practice mindfulness in your everyday life

The University of Oxford provides great mindfulness resources with a large library of free content.  Podcasts, virtual talks and mindfulness sessions

Thing’s that may be of particular interest in upcoming weeks:

  • weekly mindfulness practice sessions (Wednesdays 7-8pm GMT)
  • Virtual talk with Christa Turkma (child clinical psychologist) and Mark Greenberg – 4 November 2020

Now’s a good time to start meditating. It works wonders for quieting the brain. Kelly uses Headspace. It’s a great app for beginners and it guides you through the whole process. It starts you with just 5 minutes a day and goes from there. It will be the best five minutes of your day.  Janice learnt meditation in India using sudarshan kriya through the Art of Living.

Take some time out with these great Podcasts:
  1. Second Life
  2. The Happiness Lab
  3. The Highest Self Podcast
Mental Health Tips

Tip 2:  Take time to do something you enjoy

For example, reading might be something you love to do but never get a chance to do.  Kelly wrote a fantastic post on ‘Books that actually help’.  Or go hiking, a walk in the Taunus is a wonderful thing to do and particularly now whilst the colours are beautiful. Like music? Like dancing? Put on some good tunes and get the family moving. It’s so good for the soul. Check out some of Kelly’s music playlists here.

Tip 3:  Talk to someone


Finding an English speaking therapist in Germany can be tricky. With so many services moving into the virtual realm looking further a field may be worth considering. Kelly found a therapist in England and has sessions with her every week via zoom. It’s worked wonders for her. 

Spiritual Healing

Now some of you may hold your hands up to the idea, but have you had a card reading or a birth chart reading? It will seriously knock your socks off.  It can completely change your outlook on life and give you some gentle guidance that you need. Don’t knock it until you try it!  Both of us have had readings and boy was it a positive experience.  Also worth mentioning is, Janice was a sceptic and was completely terrified, but not anymore.  Other things worth considering are crystals, affirmation cards and incense to bring positivity into your life.

We also suggest getting in contact with Stefanie Wegmann for 1:1 sessions. She helps you get to the root of the problem by digging deep into your heart field by raising your frequencies, letting go of old programming and opening up your mind, body and spirit. She does sessions in both English and German.

Mindset and Transformational Coaching

If therapy is not your thing, perhaps coaching is something that you might consider.  Tajda Glazer offers a great mindset and transformational coaching session which we recommend. Janice’s session incited a really positive change in how she see’s herself that she wasn’t expecting.

COVID-19 lockdown
Family activities

Tip 4:  Exercise

Exercising is one of the most effective ways for maintaining a healthy mind set.  Having said that gyms and fitness centres are once again forced to close their doors.  However taking time out to Create a basic home gym, practice yoga or go for a run will benefit not only your waist line but your thought patterns too!

Tip 5:  Compassion for teachers and educators

Now whilst many businesses are forced to close their doors and people work from home, our educators remain on the frontline providing support and education to our younger generations.  The stress that this incites can perhaps be overlooked by those of us who are so grateful that as things stand schools and kindergartens remain open.  Perhaps, a reminder is needed for all of us non-educators out there to be particularly compassionate to our wonderful teachers who continue to develop our most precious! 

Here is a talk that may be of interest for the teachers out there

Good to know:

  • We currently offer a free yoga class on our The Frankfurt Edit (TFE) Facebook page every Wednesday